The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society

BBHS Events Page

Summer Party

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 A fund-raising event to benefit the
Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society

The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society is presenting a special exhibit about the life, interests, and contributions of Dennis Puleston, a Renaissance man of our times. The exhibit draws from artwork created by Dennis, artifacts from his lifetime of exploring nature, and musings made by Dennis as he traveled the world. It is our hope that this exhibit will provide a glimpse into the thinking and vision of this extraordinary man who lived a simple life in Brookhaven Hamlet while impacting the lives of those outside Brookhaven hamlet in a very positive manner. 

Over the course of his 95 years, Dennis wore many hats: sailor, explorer, ornithologist, director of technical information at Brookhaven National Laboratory, cruise-ship naturalist, husband, father, author of several books, first chairman of the Environmental Defense Fund, painter, botanist, to name a few. The image of an osprey, painted by Dennis, was selected to represent this exhibition because it signifies the simple elegance Dennis brought to all of his endeavors. In particular, Dennis was part of the group responsible for the research that determined the use of the pesticide DDT was responsible for weakening the egg shells of the osprey; explaining the declining population of these once prolific birds in our landscape. It was his work and the work of the Environmental Defense Fund that prevented the loss of these beautiful and majestic birds. This exhibit attempts to honor the life and accomplishments of Dennis, and to encourage others to follow in his footsteps. 

We are very pleased that this year our honoree is Jim Tripp, the General Counsel of the Environmental Defense Fund, who is celebrating his 35th anniversary with the fund this spring, and who has been a Bellport homeowner since 1981. 

Funds raised from the Opening Night Party will be used by the Historical Society, a no-profit organization, to fulfill its mission of preserving the heritage and beauty of our Long Island communities. Just as Dennis worked to protect and preserve our natural world, the Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society works to protect and preserve our historical world. Your additional contributions will be greatly appreciated and will be acknowledged in the printed programs at both the exhibition and at the Celebration.


© 2004-2009 The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society