R.S.V.P. to the Celebration by August 2, 2008
To benefit the Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society
Please hold, at the door, ______ reservations @ $125 each: $ _____________
Total for reservations
In addition to the tickets above, we also wish to sponsor the work of the
Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society by including an additional contribution
in one of the following categories:
[ ] Benefactor $2,500 [ ] Friend $500
[ ] Patron $1,000 [ ] Supporter $250
[ ] Other $_________ $ _____________
Total for additional contribution
We are unable to attend but wish to make a contribution in one of the
following categories:
[ ] Benefactor $2,500 [ ] Friend $500
[ ] Patron $1,000 [ ] Supporter $250
[ ] Other $_________ $ _____________
Total for contribution
$ _____________
Grand total for BBHS
Name _________________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________
City __________________________ State _________ Zip ____________
Please make checks payable to: The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society.
Reservations and contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Return to: |
Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society
P.O. Box 47
Bellport, New York 11713
The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society operates entirely through your charitable contributions as members and friends. The Society is able to pay for the care and maintenance of our museum collections and our seven-building complex, and for our Curator, because you have recognized the worthwhile contribution the Society and Museum make to the community and to the larger Long Island area. The Trustees of the Society are deeply grateful for your support. Without such support the Society and the Museum Complex could not continue to exist. |

The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society
thanks you for your support
the museum and this special exhibition,
For more information on ways to include us in your will or estate planning please
visit our website at bbhsmuseum.org