HIDDEN TREASURES: A fund-raising event
to benefit the Bellport-Brookhaven
Historical Society Museum
The Historical Society operates entirely through your charitable contributions as members and friends. The Society is able to pay for the care and maintenance of our seven building complex and the Museum collections because you have recognized the worthwhile contribution the Museum makes to the community and to the larger Long Island area. The Officers and Trustees of the Museum are deeply grateful for your support. Without such support the Museum could not continue to exist.
Last summer we welcomed you to the "Remembering Ingrid Bergman" Gala. Because of your generous support of that event the Society was able to raise enough money for necessary repairs to our buildings and grounds and to hire our Curator, Dolores O'Connor. Having a Curator is a very important step forward for us. Now that we have a Curator we are eligible for grants and we have already begun to explore those possibilities. With your ongoing support of our fund-raising efforts we can extend our Curator's contract so that the work begun will continue. Of major significance is the cataloguing of the various collections and the hidden treasures we have, so as to evaluate their importance, display them properly, and preserve the history, heritage and beauty of our Long Island community.
Did you know that we have a large collection of toleware, an acclaimed painted tinware collection reputed to be second only to that of the Smithsonian? We have wedding gowns from the late 1800's to the 1940's. We have the painting of the Bellport waterfront by Felix Darley, who has been called "Victorian America's most famous illustrator".
You will see these hidden treasures, and others, at this special fund-raising event....our only fund-miser to be held this year. Please come. You will not only have a fun time but you'll be helping to keep us a viable and important institution. We need your support....and it's tax deductible! Without your support we cannot survive. It's only through your generosity that we have been able to come this far. Please help us to continue moving ahead.