The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society

BBHS Events Page

Gala Preview Party

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Gala Program
August 14, 2004

6:00   Cocktails, Hors d’oeuvres, Music and Dancing
7:30   Live Auction
8:00   A film on Ingrid Bergman by Pia Lindstrom
8:30   Q&A with Isabella Rossellini & Pia Lindstrom
9:00   Dancing

Please visit the Exhibit in the Museum during the evening.
The Bellport Film Society will screen Casablanca at 9:30
at the Bellport Dock.

The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society
P. O. Box 47, Bellport, NY 11713

Dr. Carol Bleser, President Philip Munson, First V. P.
Dr. Vincent Lynch, Second V. P. Robert Duckworth, Secretary
Jonathan Pokorny, Treasurer Lee Snead, Counsel
Victor Principe, Archivist


Dr. Carol Bleser Paula Ludlow
Ronald Bush Dr. Vincent Lynch
David Cleaves Philip Munson
Joseph Doran Jonathan Pokorny
Robert Duckworth Victor Principe
Kathleen Ellis Alonzo Rand
Francis Fosmire Will Struyk
Evonne Hammond Virginia Waterman
Elaine Hendrie

Trustees Ex-Officio:

Jean Pokorny Lawrence Cummings

The Historical Society thanks you for your support of
the museum and this special exhibition.


© 2004 The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society
31 Bellport Lane, Bellport, NY 11713   (631) 286-0888
Email webmaster