Opening Night Gala
As Time Goes By: Remembering Ingrid Bergman
Presented by:
The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society
31 Bellport lane, Bellport, NY 11713
Saturday , August 14, 2004, 6:00 to 9:30 PM
No rain date - We have a BIG tent
Reservations $125, Tax Deductible to the extent allowed by law
Reservations will be held at the door. Gala attendees will be entitled to visit the museum as guests of the society for the duration of the exhibit.
Make Reservations in person at:
Donna Waters
125 Main Street
Bellport, NY 11713
Daily 11 AM to 6 PM (Sunday Noon to 4 PM)
or The Historical Society Exchange Shop
31 Bellport lane
Bellport, NY 11713
Thursday through Saturday 11 AM to 4 PM
Make Reservations by mail:
If you received an invitation mail the return card to:
The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society
PO Box 47
Bellport, NY 11713
To request an invitation:
Leave you name and address at 631-776-7640
To print your own Return Card
click here
For more information leave a message at 631-776-7640