Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society P.O. Box 47, Bellport, New York 11713
November 26, 2007
Dear Fellow Society Members and Friends
As I write this letter to you I shall be completing my second term as President of the Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society. It has been a most interesting year in several ways which I shall elaborate on as I move through these several paragraphs.
Of course first and foremost I want to thank the many volunteers and members of the Society who generously and graciously gave of their time and effort to staff the many programs and functions which are carried out here in the Exchange Shop, the Barn Museum, the Post-Crowell House, at the annual Gala and many other social activities of the Society. Your active membership and financial support are what enables us to accomplish all that we do.
We have been very fortunate this year to have been the recipient of a very generous bequest, $50,000 from William Foote's estate. In addition we shall receive $100,000 over a four year period from a very generous benefactor and supporter. There have been other smaller contributions as well. I mention these to emphasize that giving is one of the greatest feelings of satisfaction in knowing that you have supported a worthy community cause in its mission and goals.
You are I'm sure aware of the newest addition to our facilities namely 12 Bell Street. It has now been almost completely renovated through the financial support afforded the Society by agencies of the State of New York with the assistance of State Senator Caeser Trunzo and State Assemblywoman Patricia Eddington. The West wing of 12 Bell Street will be utilized in multiple ways, one of which will be exhibitions of art and photography. The East wing is now the new Exchange Shop (which many of you helped move into).
This years Gala, "Then and Now" held at 12 Bell Street, a different expression of our mission and purpose, was a great exhibit of art and photography, an exhibit which was excellently choreographed by Robin Starbuck, our special Curator, and her staff. The setting was magnificently enjoyed by everyone.
We were very fortunate to have been offered the opportunity to hold a house tour of the "Pelletreau House" through the generosity of Jane Platt and Radey Johnson. The tour raised $8000 for the Society.
Currently Malcolm Morley, a nationally known artist is conducting art classes for high school students in the 12 Bell Street West wing. This effort is in keeping with our educational mission.
A very exciting summer exhibition was held in the Barn Museum through the generosity of Ron Bush -"The Beth Levine Shoe Display". Visitors from all over the Island came to view this fine exhibit.
We were sorry to lose our very excellent and capable Curator, Dolores O'Connor, this past year, and therefore we have begun the search for a director/curator to take over the responsibilities of curator and the supervision of volunteers.
Continuing to expand our management of the fiscal matters of the Society we have contracted with a Certified Public Accountant to assist and consult with us as our budgetary needs continue to expand and our endowment investments grow.
Have you read our Barn Museum Newsletter? It has become one of the best published newsletters from any society because of its historical and factual highlights and the reporting of current activities of our Society. There is also our web site, "", which carries all the latest activities and programs of the Society. We also have a new updated brochure, "Welcome to the Museum Complex" for distribution to our members, the surrounding communities, and visitors to our complex of facilities.
As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter this has been a very active year in many ways. I hope that in highlighting some of the accomplishments, programs, and activities of the Society you will be anxious to renew your membership and ask a friend or relative to join also. By joining, you help support our outreach efforts, the restoration and preservation of our facilities and artifacts, and our financial operating expenses. For your convenience enclosed please find a membership envelope.
Finally, we wish everyone a very happy and prosperous New Year.
Sincerely, Francis G. Fosmire
P.S. Remember that a contribution to the Society before the end of 2007 is a 100% tax deduction for you.