The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society


  Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society

PO BOX 47 TEL 631.776.7640

January, 2010

Dear Fellow Society Members and Friends,

Once again I have the privilege of writing to you on behalf of the Board of Trustees to thank you for your continuing support of the Society and our efforts to move the organization toward continuing relevancy in an ever changing world. If you are not currently a member of the Society, you are receiving this letter because you have supported us in one of our fundraising efforts this past year or you have indicated an interest in becoming a member of the Society.

In 2009 we learned just how dedicated you are to helping preserve the history of our area. Despite ongoing difficulty with the economy, you continue to support the Society with your gifts, donations, volunteerism, and participation in our varied activities. This past year has seen our investments recover and begin to show growth, providing stability for our financial future. Our annual summer fundraiser, which was underwritten by the Trustees, brought in over $15,000.00 and gave us the opportunity to show off our newly updated Barn Museum collections. If you were unable to join us for the champagne reception in June, be sure to stop by the Barn Museum when we reopen in May. You will find a few surprises tucked in among our traditional displays.

Work on 12 Bell Street continues to move forward, and as any of you who have been involved in renovation understand – everything costs more and takes longer than originally planned. In fact, to move forward with work at 12 Bell Street we must install a sprinkler system to meet the fire safety codes for a public structure. Our current grant structure does not allow us to use any grant monies or matching funds to pay for said sprinkler system, and these things come at a high price. We have been the recipient of a very generous anonymous financial gift of $15,000.00 to help us get started with the sprinkler system. The total cost of the work has been estimated at $60,000.00-$75,000.00. We strive to constantly do the right thing, protect the people who enter or facility, and conserve our buildings. It is now apparent that without additional donations, significant donations, we will not be able to move forward with work on 12 Bell Street and will have to reconsider what to do with the Exchange Shop, the Curator’s office, our archives, the Pokorny Room, and the John Chester Boathouse. All these parts of our Society are physically linked and without the sprinkler system will not qualify us for a certificate of occupancy. Without the certificate of occupancy, we cannot move forward with any other work on the structure or use it to full advantage. If you are one of our financial angels, now is the time to come to our aid– please consider making a substantial donation to allow us to keep using and renovating 12 Bell Street. We will lose the ability to use these facilities if we are not in compliance with the building safety codes.

Additions to our collections grew this past year. We added two balsa body bluebill decoys made by John Boyle, Bellport, New York, 1st quarter 20th century to our well known decoy collection. When the Long Island Decoy Collectors Association holds their annual meeting in February2010 they will be exhibiting a show titled: The Decoys of Bellport, and the First 1923 Bellport Anti-Duskers Society. We received a painting of three ice boats by Jody Love, from her estate. This was added to our collection of Jody’s work and prompted the Trustees to move toward accessing work from all our local artists. Success came quickly as Em Czaja gifted the Society with a large and varied collection of her work. Look for a special exhibit of these local artists when we open in the spring! Who doesn’t love books? We have been gifted with a collection of Robert Pelletreau’s (BBHS founding member and first President) books on local history. Our Curator has catalogued the books and they are now a permanent part of our archives.

In the year 2009, our membership continued to grow increasing membership 18% over 2008. We welcome all of you who are new to BBHS and bid a friendly welcome back to all our continuing members. We are primarily a volunteer organization, paying only for the services of our curator. It is because our membership is dedicated to preserving local history and gives so willingly of their time and talents, that we are able to remain a viable and forward thinking organization.  We continue to refine and update our computerized membership list. Please notify us of any changes that need to be made to your contact information either in writing (Membership Chair at 31 Bellport Lane, Bellport, NY 11713) or online (  Membership link). This year we are asking that you provide us with an email address that we may use to send you information about upcoming events. We are desperately working our way into the digital age and ask your patience as we Twitter, Tweet, email, and blog our way from the 1800’s into 2010.

We have many new and exciting events planned for you in 2010, watch the Upcoming Events page on our website and our newsletter for specific information as details for each activity unfold. We are making an extra push to provide interesting activities for young and old, alike. Consider  a few of the possibilities: the return of the Antiques Fair, Boating with the Baymen, a Yannis Simonide (Emmy award winner, founder, and director of the Greek Theatre in New York) reading of Cavafy, a bicycle oriented treasure hunt… and much, much more.

Once again, we pledge to you to be proactive in our conservation efforts and to use the monies wisely that you donate to the cause of preservation of our local history. We wish you a healthy and prosperous new year and ask that you consider including the Society in your gift giving. All donations are 100% tax deductible and go 100% toward the mission of the Society.


Jan Harting-McChesney, President
Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society

Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society is a 501-c-3 tax exempt organization


© 2004-2010 The Bellport-Brookhaven Historical Society